
Bone Dry (2007)

Directed by Brett A. Hart

Action | Drama | Thriller


Eddie finds himself being forced at a gunpoint, by an unseen assailant, on a dark and brutal journey through the harsh terrain of the Mojave desert. His nemesis is Jimmy, a man with an aberrant agenda; armed with a rifle, a scope, walkie-talkies and a truck, he has organized a series of ambushes and mantraps designed to push Eddie to the limits of his humanity and beyond.

Length 100 minutes


Luke Goss | Lance Henriksen | Tom Lister Jr. | Jennifer Siebel Newsom | Dee Wallace | Carl Buffington | Hudson Thames | Julia Self

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/07/2015TabletDVDOwned6 stars


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