
Dead in a Week (Or Your Money Back) (2018)

Directed by Tom Edmunds

Drama | Comedy | Action


William has failed to kill himself so many times that he outsources his suicide to aging assassin Leslie. But with the contract signed and death assured within a week (or his money back), William suddenly discovers reasons to live… However Leslie is under pressure from his boss to make sure the contract is completed.

Rated R | Length 90 minutes


Aneurin Barnard | Tom Wilkinson | Freya Mavor | Christopher Eccleston | Marion Bailey | Velibor Topic | Nigel Lindsay | Gethin Anthony | Marcia Warren | Emma Campbell-Jones | Nathalie Buscombe | Carol MacReady | Harry Collett | Orion Lee | Eileen Nicholas | James Kermack | Keir Charles | Cecilia Noble | Tim Steed | Gioacchino Jim Cuffaro | Mark Penfold | Parth Thakerar | Neelam Bakshi | Ashton Henry-Reid

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/24/2021ComputerStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars


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