
Dog Gone (2023)

Directed by Stephen Herek

Family | Adventure | Drama


When his beloved dog goes missing, a young man embarks on an incredible search with his parents to find him and give him life-saving medication.

Rated PG | Length 95 minutes


John Berchtold | Rob Lowe | Kimberly Williams-Paisley | Nick Peine | Savannah Bruffey | Brian Brightman | Holly Morris | Caroline Skye | Soji Arai | Annabella Didion | Daniel Annone | Rachael Thompson | Tedd Taskey | Susan Gallagher | Robert Bryan Davis | Al Mitchell | Anny Jules | Jason Saucier | Zele Avradopoulos | Bruce Soscia | Bart Hansard | Joseph Echavarria | Michael H. Cole | Jakeem Hawkins | Amber Erwin | Logan Siu | Katelyn Farrugia | James Andrew Kientzy | Sebastian Prandoni | LaKeta Booker | Brad Carter | Paul Brian Johnson | Ariel Eliaz | Ansley Davis | Cathy Cavadini

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/12/2023TVStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars


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