
The Wrath of God (1972)

Directed by Ralph Nelson

Drama | Comedy

Most recently watched by sleestakk


Set in the 1920s, several foreigners held by a South American military group are offered possible freedom if they accept to topple a local crazed military leader.

Rated PG | Length 111 minutes


Robert Mitchum | Frank Langella | Rita Hayworth | John Colicos | Victor Buono | Ken Hutchison | Paula Pritchett | Gregory Sierra | Frank Ramírez | Enrique Lucero | Jorge Russek | Chano Urueta | José Luis Parades | Aurora Clavel | Victor Eberg | Pancho Córdova | Guillermo Hernández

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/24/2014TVStreamingOther2.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Curiously out-of-touch with modern values, this comes across as a creaky studio vehicle that would have been better-suited for the late 1950s or early 1960s, though it features bloody violence, profanity, and fleeting (male dorsal) nudity.

Still, Robert Mitchum is lively as a gun-toting priest in 1920s Mexico, and Ken Hutchison (one of the rapists in STRAW DOGS) makes for an engaging lead player.  Rita Hayworth makes her last film appearance, young Frank Langella hams it up, one-eyed Gregory Sierra is evil, Victor Buono is Victor Buono.

It’s well-staged by Ralph Nelson, and worthwhile to watch for the performances.


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