
Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970)

Directed by Ted Post

Science Fiction | Drama

Most recently watched by sleestakk, CaptainBigTime, vivalaserdisc, elisabethwithns, noahphex, sensoria


The sole survivor of an interplanetary rescue mission lands on the planet of the apes, and uncovers a horrible secret beneath the surface.

Rated G | Length 95 minutes


James Franciscus | Kim Hunter | Maurice Evans | Charlton Heston | Linda Harrison | Paul Richards | Victor Buono | James Gregory | David Watson | Jeff Corey | Natalie Trundy | Thomas Gomez | Don Pedro Colley | Tod Andrews | Eldon Burke | Gregory Sierra | Lou Wagner | Army Archerd | Edward Bach | James Bacon | Stan Barrett | Angelina Bauer | Erlynn Mary Botelho | Maxine Botelho | Dick Bullock | Bruce Fleischer | Paul Frees | Hank Robinson

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/29/2014TVStreamingVideo on Demand2.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Weaker sauce, but fed into the apocalyptic mood of the times, from which it derives its cautionary power, such as it is.


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