
Movies by Certification (MPAA Rating)

VicnaLobster has logged 264 movies that were certified R by the MPAA.

Movies certified R
TitleDirector(s)Year ReleasedViewed On
UpgradedCarlson Young202402/15/2024
UpgradeLeigh Whannell201801/11/2024
UnlockedMichael Apted201702/21/2024
Under the SkinJonathan Glazer201403/13/2024
Under ParisXavier Gens202406/07/2024
Trigger WarningMouly Surya202407/16/2024
Triangle of SadnessRuben Östlund202208/02/2024
TranceDanny Boyle201301/03/2024
Toxic Avenger, TheLloyd Kaufman, Michael Herz198408/23/2024
ThiefMichael Mann198110/14/2024