
Postcard From Earth (2023)

Directed by Darren Aronofsky

Science Fiction | Documentary

Most recently watched by sensoria


The 50-minute film begins with a sci-fi feel, as two characters land on a new planet via spaceship. While in their spacecraft, a voice begins to remind the duo about Earth, the land they left. Suddenly, pristine footage of the planet fills the 16K x 16K screen. The voiceover, which is used somewhat sporadically to allow the images to shine, describes the Earth as a “magnificent symphony frozen in time.” Postcard From Earth immaculately highlights the picturesque beauty of canyons, prairies, mountain ranges, and gorges. Aronofsky shot the film with an 18K Big Sky camera specifically for Sphere (Las Vegas).

Rated NR | Length 50 minutes


Arielle Jacobs | Brandon Santana | Zaya Ribeiro

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/05/2024Movie ScreenDigitalTheater6 stars

Viewing Notes

Much like an IMAX experience.  Steep seating layout made for a not great viewing experience, since I am afraid of heights.


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