
The Dig (2021)

Directed by Simon Stone

Drama | History

Most recently watched by CaptainBigTime


As WWII looms, a wealthy widow hires an amateur archaeologist to excavate the burial mounds on her estate. When they make a historic discovery, the echoes of Britain’s past resonate in the face of its uncertain futureā€Ž.

Rated PG-13 | Length 112 minutes


Carey Mulligan | Ralph Fiennes | Lily James | Johnny Flynn | Ben Chaplin | Ken Stott | Archie Barnes | Monica Dolan | Eamon Farren | Paul Ready | Peter McDonald | Stephen Worrall | Danny Webb | Robert Wilfort | James Dryden | Joe Hurst | Christopher Godwin | Ellie Piercy | Bronwyn James | Des Kaliszewski | Jonah Rzeskiewicz | Jack Bennett | John MacMillan | Arsher Ali | Amelia Stephenson | Grant Crookes | Kemal Shah

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/03/2024TabletStreamingVideo on Demand9 stars

Viewing Notes

Beautiful film color palette.  Love the specificity of the dig and life in the English countryside.


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