
Movies by Tag

VicnaLobster has logged 86 movies that were tagged with “New York.”

Movies tagged with “New York”
TitleDirector(s)Year ReleasedViewed On
AnnaLuc Besson201902/17/2024
Lady BirdGreta Gerwig201702/18/2024
Killer, TheDavid Fincher202302/19/2024
Family, TheLuc Besson201302/20/2024
LucyLuc Besson201402/20/2024
Past LivesCeline Song202302/24/2024
Perfect Find, TheNuma Perrier202302/26/2024
Sylvie's LoveEugene Ashe202003/04/2024
Jodorowsky's DuneFrank Pavich201303/04/2024
Thank You, Have a Nice DayRodrigo Olivar202203/18/2024