
Combat Shock (1986)

Directed by Buddy Giovinazzo

Horror | Thriller | Action


A dangerously disturbed Vietnam veteran struggles with life 15 years after his return home, and slowly falls into insanity from his gritty urban lifestyle.

Rated R | Length 97 minutes


Rick Giovinazzo | Veronica Stork | Mitch Maglio | Asaph Livni | Nick Nasta | Michael Tierno | Arthur Saunders | Lori Labar | Jim Cooney | Ray Pinero | Leo Lunney | Eddie Pepitone | Martin Blank | Bob Mireau | Tom Desantis | Nancy Zawada | Brendan Tesoriero | Buddy Giovinazzo | Mary Cristadoro | Dean Mercil | Colette Geraci | Janet Ramage | Melissa Tait | Stacey Tait | Ginny Cattano | Doo Kim | Claire Harnedy | Howie Murphy | Bobby Giovinazzo | Tom Devito | Vincent Petrizzo | Yan Lai | Leif Vetland | Don Loftin | Jimmy May | Barry McBride | Jeff Mathes | Joe Loach | Ralph Cordero | Jerry Giovinazzo

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/09/2014TVDVDRented3 stars


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