
He Never Died (2015)

Directed by Jason Krawczyk

Horror | Supernatural

Most recently watched by sensoria, sleestakk


Jack is a solitary man with a mysterious past. His strange habits will soon become stranger when his past catches up with him.

Rated R | Length 99 minutes


Henry Rollins | Booboo Stewart | Kate Greenhouse | Jordan Todosey | David Richmond-Peck | James Cade | Don Francks | Steven Ogg | Dan Petronijevic | Michael Cram | Chantal Craig | Scott Edgecombe | Robert Thomas | Elias Edraki | Tamara Almeida | Walter Alza | Scotty Cook | Karl Campbell | Blair Johannes | Aron Tager | Craig Burnatowski | Danny Lima | Domenico Fiore | Elley Ray | Nuala Fitzgerald | Jerry A. Ziler | Mary Elaina Brisebois | Alan C. Peterson | Dominic Longo | Don Gough | Justin Bigelli | Xavier de Guzman | Austin Macdonald | Anthony Gerbrandt

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/09/2016TVStreamingVideo on Demand3 stars

Viewing Notes

I know I’ve said this before, but Netflix just cannot figure me out. I’ve been using the service for over a decade and it still consistently estimates my appreciation of films with a huge margin of error. The algorithm thought I’d like Dredd less than 3 stars for fuck’s sake! And for the first few weeks after it showed up, it thought I’d like The Do-Over nearly 5 stars! (i understand there may some not-so-surprising bias there) Needless to say, I take their estimates with a big grain of salt. So, when Netflix expected me to like the Henry Rollins vehicle, He Never Died, nearly 5 stars, I put it in my queue but didn’t trip over myself trying to watch it ASAP. Now that I’ve watched it, I can tell you how the algorithm did this time around.

Read my complete He Never Died (2015) review.


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