
Sequence Break (2017)

Directed by Graham Skipper


Most recently watched by sleestakk, sensoria


A reclusive video arcade technician experiences bizarre biomechanical mutations and hallucinations when a mysterious new arcade machine appears in his shop.

Length 80 minutes


Fabianne Therese | Audrey Wasilewski | Chase Williamson | Lyle Kanouse | John Dinan

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/27/2017TVStreamingVideo on Demand3 stars

Viewing Notes

I’m really cranking these Fantasia Int’l Film Fest reviews out! Sequence Break is an homage to the 80s. It centers on old school arcade games. It features a synth score. Close-ups of faces are lit in greens and reds like Evilspeak.

Read my full SEQUENCE BREAK (2017) review here.


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