
We Are the Flesh (2016)

Directed by Emiliano Rocha Minter


Most recently watched by sensoria


After wandering a ruined city for years in search of food and shelter, two siblings find their way into one of the last remaining buildings. Inside, they find a man who will make them a dangerous offer to survive the outside world.

Length 79 minutes


María Evoli | Noé Hernández | María Cid | Diego Gamaliel | Gabino Rodríguez | Jonathan Miralda | Andrés Villalobos | Claudette Maillé | Jessica Janet Martínez | Jazael Olguín Zapata | Manuela García | Tareke Ortiz | Efraín Rosas | Checo Zaidman | Esteban Aldrete | Ángel Garnica | Erick Villanueva | Juan Caloca | Omar Aguirre Tolentino | Carlos Martínez | Héctor Pacheco | Adrián Colón | José Luis Molina | José Antonio Cuevas | Antonio Marín | Víctor del Moral | Natalia Magdaleno

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/31/2017TVStreamingVideo on Demand3 stars

Viewing Notes

31/31 did it!


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