
Movies by Tag

archstanton43 has logged 50 movies that were tagged with “movie marathon.”

Movies tagged with “movie marathon”
TitleDirector(s)Year ReleasedViewed On
We Want Our MummyDel Lord193910/15/2016
Itching, TheDianne Bellino201610/15/2016
Death LineGary Sherman197210/15/2016
Disco InfernoAlice Waddington201510/15/2016
Halloween Safety (Second Edition)198510/15/2016
GeometryGuillermo del Toro198710/15/2016
Street TrashJames M. Muro198710/15/2016
TorsoSergio Martino197310/15/2016
Doctor Butcher M.D.Marino Girolami198010/15/2016
Devil's Candy, TheSean Byrne201610/25/2015