
Movies by Tag

archstanton43 has logged 100 movies that were tagged with “31 days of horror.”

Movies tagged with “31 days of horror”
TitleDirector(s)Year ReleasedViewed On
Boy, TheWilliam Brent Bell201610/03/2017
CargoBen Howling, Yolanda Ramke201710/21/2018
Cat, TheLam Nai-Choi199210/21/2017
ClementinaJimena Monteoliva201910/18/2017
CoralineHenry Selick200910/06/2018
Crescent, TheSeth A. Smith201710/15/2017
Crimson PeakGuillermo del Toro201510/17/2018
Crucifixion, TheXavier Gens201710/08/2018
Cult of ChuckyDon Mancini201710/18/2017
Dark GlassesDario Argento202210/30/2022