
Movies by Tag

archstanton43 has logged 100 movies that were tagged with “31 days of horror.”

Movies tagged with “31 days of horror”
TitleDirector(s)Year ReleasedViewed On
PopcornMark Herrier199110/21/2022
Cat, TheLam Nai-Choi199210/21/2017
OrganKei Fujiwara199610/25/2018
Rage: Carrie 2, TheKatt Shea199910/18/2018
Elvira's Haunted HillsSam Irvin200210/21/2022
Scooby-DooRaja Gosnell200210/30/2017
UnderworldLen Wiseman200310/03/2021
RomanAngela Bettis200610/27/2018
BorderlandZev Berman200710/08/2022
CoralineHenry Selick200910/06/2018