
Movies by Tag

archstanton43 has logged 14 movies that were tagged with “new york city.”

Movies tagged with “new york city”
TitleDirector(s)Year ReleasedViewed On
Top FiveChris Rock201405/07/2015
They Came TogetherDavid Wain201405/05/2015
Street TrashJames M. Muro198710/15/2016
Premium RushDavid Koepp201209/16/2014
Maniac Cop 2William Lustig199010/19/2013
Inside Llewyn DavisJoel Coen, Ethan Coen201301/07/2014
I Spit on Your Grave 2Steven R. Monroe201309/04/2014
Great Gatsby, TheBaz Luhrmann201306/07/2014
GhostbustersPaul Feig201610/18/2016
Escape from New YorkJohn Carpenter198104/12/2014