
Primer (2004)

Directed by Shane Carruth

Suspense | Drama | Science Fiction

Most recently watched by lolareels, schofizzy


Two fledgling inventors discover a complex method to manipulate reality. At first, they successfully game the stock market with it, but the consequences of the invention start to catch up with them.

Rated PG-13 | Length 77 minutes


Shane Carruth | David Sullivan | Casey Gooden | Anand Upadhyaya | Carrie Crawford | Jay Butler | John Carruth | Juan Tapia | Ashley Warren | Samantha Thomson | Chip Carruth | Delaney Price | Jack Pyland | Keith Bradshaw | Ashok Upadhyaya | Brandon Blagg | Jon Cook | David Joyner | Eric De Soualhat | Kevin Lucero Less

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/31/2013TVStreamingTV5 stars


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