
Movies by Certification (MPAA Rating)

danielt has logged 48 movies that were certified PG by the MPAA.

Movies certified PG
TitleDirector(s)Year ReleasedViewed On
Space JamJoe Pytka199601/13/2013
Life of PiAng Lee201201/17/2013
Here Comes the BoomFrank Coraci201202/05/2013
BraveBrenda Chapman, Mark Andrews201202/11/2013
High AnxietyMel Brooks197703/03/2013
Spies Like UsJohn Landis198503/03/2013
Wreck-It RalphRich Moore201203/08/2013
Oz the Great and PowerfulSam Raimi201303/10/2013
Silent MovieMel Brooks197603/11/2013
Rise of the GuardiansPeter Ramsey201203/12/2013