
Movies by Certification (MPAA Rating)

danielt has logged 48 movies that were certified PG by the MPAA.

Movies certified PG
TitleDirector(s)Year ReleasedViewed On
Free BirdsJimmy Hayward201311/05/2013
FrogsGeorge McCowan197204/30/2013
From Russia with LoveTerence Young196308/28/2013
FrozenChris Buck, Jennifer Lee201312/27/2013
Full Moon HighLarry Cohen198104/30/2013
GoldfingerGuy Hamilton196408/29/2013
Here Comes the BoomFrank Coraci201202/05/2013
High AnxietyMel Brooks197703/03/2013
Home AloneChris Columbus199012/21/2013
It's a Wonderful LifeFrank Capra194612/20/2013