
Movies by Certification (MPAA Rating)

krazykat has logged 128 movies that were certified R by the MPAA.

Movies certified R
TitleDirector(s)Year ReleasedViewed On
Dog SoldiersNeil Marshall200210/09/2012
Don't Look NowNicolas Roeg197308/06/2012
DragonPeter Chan201111/17/2012
DreddPete Travis201202/15/2013
DriveNicolas Winding Refn201102/11/2012
End, TheBurt Reynolds197803/13/2013
EquilibriumKurt Wimmer200205/24/2013
Everything Must GoDan Rush201105/17/2012
Exit HumanityJohn Geddes201110/10/2012
Face/OffJohn Woo199711/18/2012