
2010 (1984)

Directed by Peter Hyams

Science Fiction | Drama | Suspense

Most recently watched by sensoria


While planet Earth poises on the brink of nuclear self-destruction, a team of Russian and American scientists aboard the Leonov hurtles to a rendezvous with the still-orbiting Discovery spacecraft and its sole known survivor, the homicidal computer HAL.

Rated PG | Length 116 minutes


Roy Scheider | John Lithgow | Helen Mirren | Bob Balaban | Keir Dullea | Douglas Rain | Madolyn Smith Osborne | Savely Kramarov | Taliesin Jaffe | James McEachin | Mary Jo Deschanel | Elya Baskin | Dana Elcar | Oleg Rudnik | Natasha Shneider | Vladimir Skomarovsky | Victor Steinbach | Candice Bergen | Gene McGarr | Herta Ware | Jan Tříska | Larry Carroll | Cheryl Carter | Ron Recasner | Robert Lesser | Delana Michaels | Arthur C. Clarke

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/13/2013TVStreamingVideo on Demand7.5 stars


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