
Dragonslayer (1981)

Directed by Matthew Robbins

Fantasy | Adventure | Supernatural

Most recently watched by schofizzy, sleestakk, sensoria


A sorcerer and his apprentice are on a mission to kill an evil dragon to save the King’s daughter from being sacrificed according to a pact that the King himself made with the dragon to protect his kingdom.

Rated PG | Length 108 minutes


Peter MacNicol | Caitlin Clarke | Ralph Richardson | John Hallam | Peter Eyre | Albert Salmi | Sydney Bromley | Chloe Salaman | Emrys James | Ian McDiarmid | Roger Kemp | Ken Shorter | Yolande Palfrey | Douglas Cooper | Jason White

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/26/2013TVStreamingVideo on Demand7 stars


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