
Small Town Murder Songs (2010)

Directed by Ed Gass-Donnelly

Drama | Crime | Melodrama


A modern, gothic tale of crime and redemption about an aging police officer from a small Ontario Mennonite town who hides a violent past until a local murder upsets the calm of his newly reformed life.

Rated R | Length 75 minutes


Peter Stormare | Martha Plimpton | Jill Hennessy | Ari Cohen | Jackie Burroughs | Stephen Eric McIntyre | Alexandria Benoit | Aaron Poole | Trent McMullen | Stuart Hughes | Ann Holloway | John Stead | Amy Rutherford | Alyssa Mariano | Heather Allin | Jessica Clement | Timm Zemanek | Vladimir Bondarenko | Kat Germain | Colin Burrowes | Herm Dick | Erin Brandenburg | Gordon Bolan | Alan Penner | Sean Eaton | Andrew Penner | Mark Snowdon | John Penner | Heidi Burrowes | Liam Burrowes | Emily Schooley

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/11/2012TVStreamingVideo on Demand7.5 stars


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