
Seeking Asian Female (2012)

Directed by Debbie Lum


Most recently watched by lordofthemovies, lolareels


Seeking Asian Female is an eccentric modern love story about Steven and Sandy – an aging white man with “yellow fever” who is obsessed with marrying any Asian woman, and the young Chinese bride he finds online. Debbie, a Chinese American filmmaker, documents and narrates with skepticism and humor, from the early stages of Steven’s search, through the moment Sandy steps foot in California for the first time, to a year into their precarious union. Global migration, Sino-American relations and the perennial battle of the sexes, weigh in on the fate of their marriage in this intimate and quirky personal documentary.

Length 80 minutes

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/12/2012Movie ScreenDigitalTheater3 stars


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