
The Wait (2014)

Directed by M. Blash


Most recently watched by noahphex, BTSjunkie


An enigmatic phone call from a psychic catapults a family into a state of suspended belief while waiting for their recently deceased mother to be resurrected.

Rated R | Length 96 minutes


Jena Malone | Chloƫ Sevigny | Luke Grimes | Devon Gearhart | Michael O'Keefe | Trey Hansen | Josh Hamilton | Patricia Arquette | Lana Elizabeth Green

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/10/2013Movie ScreenDigitalTheater.5 star

Viewing Notes

Awful, pretentious, tedious. I would have walked out if I hadn’t been seated in the middle.


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