
Shattered Innocence (1988)

Directed by Sandor Stern



A high school graduate leaves behind her modest life and finds work in the sex industry, but it ends in disaster. A dramatized account of the life of the adult actress Shauna Grant.

Length 93 minutes


Jonna Lee | Melinda Dillon | John Pleshette | Kris Kamm | Ben Frank | Dennis Howard | Stephen Schnetzer | Richard Cox | Nadine Van der Velde | Randy Hamilton | Peppi Sanders | Melissa Michaelsen | Neil Billingsley | Ana Auther | Mark Gluckman | Traci Davis | Bob Sorenson | Richard Alexander | Diana Lamb | Tammy Bass | Kenneth Bridges | Jody Carter | Cheli Ann Chew | Douglas Cotner | Crissy Cummings | Jo Ellen Geske | Richard Glover | Lucky Hayes | Linda Rae Jurgens | Sheila Lane-Limon | Jeff Mabee | Steven Mastroieni | Burke Rhind | Sheila Paige Roth | Carrie Schultz | Stephen Yoakam

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/03/2013TVDVDOwned3 stars


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