
Movies by Certification (MPAA Rating)

lordofthemovies has logged 399 movies that were certified R by the MPAA.

Movies certified R
TitleDirector(s)Year ReleasedViewed On
High ArtLisa Cholodenko199812/13/2011
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's NestMiloš Forman197511/09/2011
Trick 'r TreatMichael Dougherty200707/05/2011
Paranormal ActivityOren Peli200706/20/2010
Freddy vs. JasonRonny Yu200305/21/2008
Bride of ChuckyRonny Yu199805/20/2008
Child's PlayTom Holland198807/02/2007
Child's Play 3Jack Bender199106/21/2007
Child's Play 2John Lafia199005/24/2007