
Alambrista! (1977)

Directed by Robert M. Young

Drama | Road Movie


After the birth of his first child, Roberto, a young Mexican man, slips across the border into the United States. Seeking work to support his family back home, he finds that working hard is not enough.

Length 96 minutes


Domingo Ambriz | Trinidad Silva | Linda Gillen | Ned Beatty | Jerry Hardin | Julius Harris | Edward James Olmos | Ludevina Mendez Salazar | Maria Guadalupe Chavez | Rafaela Cervantes de Gomez | Feliz Cedano | Edward Lopez | Evelyn Chieko Saito | Tom Tar | Gabriel Segura | Paul Berrones | George Smith | Dennis Harris | Mark Herder | Maria Elena Delgado | J.D. Hurt | Salvador Martinez | Maurice Green | R.L. Dick Rautenberg | Kent Rautenberg | Félix José Álvarez | John Sandoval | Alfred Alvernaz | Constantine Copulos | J.C. Lamont | Thomas Coffman | Virginia Bachicha | Armandina Ramirez | Lily Álvarez

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/15/2019TVBlu-rayOwned8 stars


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