
Local Hero (1983)

Directed by Bill Forsyth

Drama | Comedy | Family


An American oil company sends a man to Scotland to buy up an entire village where they want to build a refinery. But things don’t go as expected.

Rated PG | Length 111 minutes


Burt Lancaster | Peter Riegert | Denis Lawson | Fulton Mackay | Peter Capaldi | Jennifer Black | Jenny Seagrove | Norman Chancer | Rikki Fulton | Alex Norton | Christopher Rozycki | Gyearbuor Asante | John M. Jackson | Dan Ammerman | Tam Dean Burn | John Gordon Sinclair | Caroline Guthrie | Jimmy Yuill | Karen Douglas | Kenny Ireland | Sandra Voe | Harlan Jordan | Charles Kearney | David Mowat | John Poland | Ann Scott-Jones | Ian Stewart | Jonathan Watson | Dave Anderson | Ray Jeffries | James Kennedy | Willie Joss | Tanya Ticktin | Edith Ruddick | Betty Macey | Michelle McCarel | Anne Thompson | Brian Rowan | Mark Winchester | Alan Clark | Alan Darby | Roddy Murray | Dale Winchester | Luke Coulter | Buddy Quaid

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/21/2013TVBroadcastTV3.5 stars


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