
Fantastic Fest 2012

Ran from 20th-27th of September at Alamo South Lamar in Austin, TX

noahphex logged 46 movies during Fantastic Fest 2012. Back to Events Overview.

Movies logged during Fantastic Fest 2012
TitleDirector(s)Year ReleasedViewed On
FlickerPatrik Eklund201209/26/2012
Fuck UpØystein Karlsen201209/26/2012
HailAmiel Courtin-Wilson201209/20/2012
Here Comes the DevilAdrián García Bogliano201209/20/2012
History of Future Folk, TheJeremy Kipp Walker, John Mitchell201209/27/2012
Holy MotorsLeos Carax201209/24/2012
Lee's AdventuresLi Yang, Frant Gwo201109/27/2012
Miami ConnectionY.K. Kim, Woo-sang Park198709/25/2012
New Kids NitroSteffen Haars, Flip van der Kuil201109/21/2012
No Rest for the WickedEnrique Urbizu201109/25/2012