
Graceland (2012)

Directed by Ron Morales

Crime | Thriller

Most recently watched by sensoria, BrandonMarcus


When a kidnapping goes wrong, a desperate father risks everything to save his daughter from the men who hold her captive.

Rated NR | Length 84 minutes


Arnold Reyes | Menggie Cobarrubias | Dido De La Paz | Leon Miguel | Ella Guevara | Marife Necesito | Patricia Gayod | Bernadette Diao | Yam Wilson | Angie Ferro | Angeli Bayani | Archie Adamos | Lynn Sherman | Rommel Luna | Marcial Umoso | Christopher J. Gambino

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/10/2013TVBlu-rayOwned4 stars


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