
Cast a Deadly Spell (1991)

Directed by Martin Campbell

Comedy | Fantasy | Horror

Most recently watched by sleestakk, zombiefreak


In a fantastical 1940s where magic is used by everyone, a hard-boiled detective investigates the theft of a mystical tome.

Rated R | Length 96 minutes


Fred Ward | David Warner | Julianne Moore | Clancy Brown | Alexandra Powers | Charles Hallahan | Arnetia Walker | Raymond O'Connor | Peter Allas | Lee Tergesen | Becky Mullen | Ritch Brinkley | Jaime Cardriche | John De Bello | David Downing | Colin Drake | James Eustermann | Bradley James | Scott Lincoln | Michael Reid MacKay | Robert Mickelson | Beckie Mullen | Curt Sobel | Ken Thorley | Lana Underwood | Kevin Weaver | George P. Wilbur | Jenny O'Hara | Brian Penikas

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/30/2013TVOtherOwned4 stars


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