
The Wild Life (1984)

Directed by Art Linson



Eighties teen romp involving Bill and his new apartment, Jim and his rebellious antics, Tom and his crazy self, and Anita with her older man David.

Rated R | Length 96 minutes


Chris Penn | Lea Thompson | Eric Stoltz | Jenny Wright | Ilan Mitchell-Smith | Rick Moranis | Hart Bochner | Randy Quaid | Robert Ridgely | Jack Kehoe | Ángel Salazar | Michael Bowen | Brin Berliner | Susan Rinell | Hildy Brooks | Dean Devlin | Sherilyn Fenn | Dick Rude | Lee Ving | Nancy Wilson | Cari Anne Warder | Simone White | Beth McKinley | Robert Chestnut | Reginald Farmer | Leo Penn | William Bramley | Leigh Lombardi | Rande Worcester | Kim Vignal | Ben Stein | Tommy Swerdlow | Paul Wiggins | Frank Montiforte | Keone Young | Kevin Peter Hall | Tony Epper | Ted White | Ashley St. John | Kitten Natividad | Gary Riley | John Linson | Jess Weinstein | Jeff Savenick | Karen Haber | Barbara London | Magdalene St. Michaels | Brynja McGrady | Inga Ojala | Ed Call | Danny Tucker | Cameron Crowe | Debbe DuPerrieu | Ron Wood

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/30/2013TVOtherOwned4 stars


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