
Horror Express (1972)

Directed by Eugenio Martín

Horror | Thriller | Suspense

Most recently watched by sleestakk, AllAboutSteve, archstanton43, JohnPeel, seanCduregger, sensoria


Mysterious and unearthly deaths start to occur while Professor Saxton is transporting the frozen remains of a primitive humanoid creature he found in Manchuria back to Europe.

Rated R | Length 87 minutes


Christopher Lee | Peter Cushing | Telly Savalas | Alberto de Mendoza | Silvia Tortosa | Julio Peña | Ángel del Pozo | Helga Liné | Alice Reinheart | José Jaspe | George Rigaud | Víctor Israel | Faith Clift | Juan Olaguivel | José Marco | José Canalejas | Vicente Roca | Hiroshi Kitatawa | Barta Barri | Peter Beckman | Allen Russell | Fernando Villena

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/22/2012TVDVDRented4 stars


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