
Cinemania (2002)

Directed by Stephen Kijak, Angela Christlieb


Most recently watched by BTSjunkie


This documentary about the culture of intense cinephilia in New York City reveals the impassioned world of five obsessed movie buffs. These human encyclopedias of cinema see two to five films a day, and from 600 to 2,000 films per year. This is the story of their lives, their memories, their unbending habits and the films they love.

Length 79 minutes


Jack Angstreich | Eric Chadbourne | Bill Heidbreder | Roberta Hill | Harvey Schwarz | Richard Aidala | Tia Bonacore

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/04/2010N/ADVDRented3 stars

Viewing Notes

It’d be easy to point to this site and some of my new film friends and say we’re obsessed. That might be true, but for every group of people there’s some that take things to the extreme. For film fans, the 4 people represented in the documentary Cinemania are the top rung of the loony ladder.

These are 4 somewhat older folk who spent all their time watching movies in NY cinemas. And they have a lot of it, because they’re all on disability and the one who isn’t is living on inherited money. A good portion of their time is in art house movies, as only one guy seems to have any interest in new movies, talking about how he’s able to sometimes scam his way into multiple shows at the local big cinema, but that they’ve caught onto his act.

These are cinephiles who are into older movies, one guy going as far as never watching anything that’s digital, sticking only with film. They’re well versed in French and Italian movies and actors.

I loved the documentary and it’s a a great view into people who have similar interests as myself but who take it to extremes. The only lady in the documentary had even attacked people at one of the regular venues over a dispute on her ticket because she keeps every stub she’s gotten since she was a little girl. I love movies but you’ll never see me strangling an Alamo waiter for anything.


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