
RoboDoc (2009)

Directed by Stephen Maddocks



Plagued by uninsured patients, greedy insurance companies, heartless health care conglomerates, and stressed out doctors, the health care delivery system is on the verge of a total breakdown - and Jake Gorman couldn’t be happier as suing doctors has made Jake a famous and very wealthy man. Jake never met a doctor he couldn’t sue, until now.

Rated R | Length 95 minutes


Alan Thicke | David Faustino | Corin Nemec | David DeLuise | Michael Winslow | William Haze | Brooke Newton | Andrea Faustino | Kenny Babel | Christine Scott Bennett | Kristia Knowles | Lucius Baston | Justin Smith | David W. Scott | Alyson Coll

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/07/2010N/AStreamingVideo on Demand3 stars


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