
Pandemonium (1982)

Directed by Alfred Sole


Most recently watched by sleestakk


A former high school student who always wanted to be a cheerleader decides to reopen the cheerleading program at her former high school after years of closure for being targeted by a serial killer.

Rated PG | Length 82 minutes


Carol Kane | Tom Smothers | Candice Azzara | Debralee Scott | Judge Reinhold | Marc McClure | Miles Chapin | Teri Landrum | Phil Hartman | David L. Lander | Eileen Brennan | Ebbe Roe Smith | Paul Reubens | Victoria Carroll | Sallee Young | Donald O'Connor | Tab Hunter | Sydney Lassick | Edie McClurg | Lenny Montana | Eve Arden | Michael Tucci | Lynne Marie Stewart | Richard Romanus | John Paragon | Kaye Ballard | Lynn Herring | Suzanne Kent | Don McLeod | Alix Elias | Shirley Prestia | Jim McKrell | Candi Brough | Randi Brough | Pat Ast | David McCharen | Randy Bennett | Gary Allen | Izabella Telezynska | Bradley Lieberman

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/03/2010N/ADVDN/A3.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Pandemonium is a horror/comedy with total spoofy elements that had been made popular with Airplane! It doesn’t really have the best jokes but everything is made up for by having a cast that just goes all out and seems to be having fun. And what a cast…Carol Kane, Paul Ruebens, Phil Hartman, Tom Smothers, and more faces you’ll recognize from later films like Grease and Ferris Bueller.

The one gimmick that got me to even see this was the one that made me chuckle the most…the cheerleaders who are getting offed by a killer are all named with names ending in Y, so there’s a gag of the roll call where Bambi, the lady running the camp has everyone say their names: Mandy! Sandy! Candy! Randy! Andy! and Glenn! *confused looks* Glenn Dandy!

Stupid, yes, but it’s funny enough that it works. Also you have Tom Smothers as a Canadian Mountie who can’t ever seem to say Canadian Mountie and is never seen without his horse, who like Petey from Little Rascals, has a circle painted around one eye. Another strange but funny gag.

All in all, it’s not a movie that is even close to the level of some of the best spoofs, but for something completely goofy it was a clever enough watch for a Saturday night with a little booze in the system.


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