
Hospitals Don't Burn Down (1978)

Directed by Brian Trenchard-Smith



A fire breaks out in a multi-story hospital in the middle of the night and a male nurse and a nursing sister save many lives during a fire in a major hospital.

Length 24 minutes


Jeanie Drynan | Mark Edwards | Ray Marshall | Ralph Cotterill | Ken Goodlet

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/11/2010N/ADVDN/A4 stars

Viewing Notes

This short from BTS is quite good. As I understand it, it was made as a safety video for health professionals, but since we have an Australian action/exploitation filmmaker at the helm it’s no ordinary short.

I love how unflinching the movie was. The fire was completely out of control and it showed some ugly, nasty deaths as people burned to death as it spread and how people made life or death decisions on the fly.

If I had seen this as a hospital worker in the late 70s, I’d walk around with a fire extinguisher because I would be freaked the fuck out.


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