
Jungle Heat (1988)

Directed by Ratno Timoer



Two groups of treasure hunters encounter dangerous animals, bloody thirsty cannibals, and unexpected love as they search a jungle for a long lost treasure.

Length 93 minutes


Debbie Young | Peter O'Brian | Alba Fuad | Johan Saimima | Advent Bangun | Didier A. Hamel | Piet Burnama | Charles Kaufman | Harun Syarief | Yani Timoer | Yoseph Hungan | Syarief Friant | Umar Bani | Yongky | Sunaryo Yakso | Lina Budiarti

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/14/2010N/ADVDN/A1 star

Viewing Notes

Also known as Dance of the Dwarves this movie starts off seemingly as a ripoff of Romancing the Stone. A smarmy, well dressed and pretty lady heads into the jungle and ends up with a rough and rugged tour guide (played by Peter Fonda who channels his best Hunter S. Thompson impression). Then about 75 minutes in or more we finally see a “dwarf” that looks more like a Sleestakk from Land of the Lost and we get a totally unsatisfying ending.

Have to say that this is easily the worst thing we’ve seen at Horror Movie Night, but that’s okay. We had a great time busting it’s balls. And Peter Fonda was somewhat entertaining. Everything else was a total chore. Each scene went on far, far too long. We must of spent 12 minutes of the film with the lead arguing with Fonda about his brochure for his travel agency and whether or not she still wanted to take him into the jungle. Then once they do, the flying scenes seemed to go on for ages. It’s like the writers or director were scared to even get to a plot.


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