
Psycho II (1983)

Directed by Richard Franklin


Most recently watched by zombiefreak, sleestakk, scottfinn, krazykat, Javitron, vivalaserdisc, jenerator


Norman Bates is declared sane and released from the facility in which he was being held, despite the complaints of Lila Loomis, sister of his most famous victim. Is he really cured, or will he kill again?

Rated R | Length 113 minutes


Anthony Perkins | Vera Miles | Meg Tilly | Robert Loggia | Dennis Franz | Hugh Gillin | Claudia Bryar | Robert Alan Browne | Ben Hartigan | Lee Garlington | Tim Maier | Jill Carroll | Chris Hendrie | Tom Holland | Michael Lomazow | Bob Hilgenberg | Oz Perkins | Ben Frommer | Gene Whittington | Robert Traynor | George Dickerson | Thaddeus Smith | Sheila K. Adams | Victoria Brown | Virginia Gregg | Tom Willett | Richard Franklin | Rebecca Pollack | Janet Leigh

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/29/2010Movie ScreenFilmTheater4 stars

Viewing Notes

A Terror Tuesday selection and off a new print from Universal no less! It looked amazing. I couldn’t remember if I had seen this but upon watching it, I was sure I hadn’t. Shame too, because it’s a really good sequel. It’s classic 80s slasher with some nice thriller moments in it. Anthony Perkins is great as always and this time around you almost feel sorry for the guy.

Well worth the watch and one of the better horror sequels out there.


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