
The Violent Kind (2010)

Directed by Phil Flores, Mitchell Altieri


Most recently watched by sleestakk, jenerator


One night at a secluded farmhouse deep in the Northern California woods, a small group of hardened young bikers and their girlfriends are tormented when one of the girls becomes savagely possessed and a gang of “Rockabillies” seemingly from the 1950’s descends upon them to collect what is growing inside her.

Rated R | Length 89 minutes


Cory Knauf | Taylor Cole | Bret Roberts | Christina Prousalis | Joseph McKelheer | Joe Egender | Tiffany Shepis | Mackenzie Firgens | Samantha Stone | Nick Tagas | Samuel Child | Stephanie Cameron | James Hiser | Erik Braa | David Fine | Terry Wayne | Francesca Brandelius | Rocket | Lynn McRee

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/24/2010Movie ScreenFilmTheater2 stars


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