
The Nail Gun Massacre (1985)

Directed by Bill Leslie, Terry Lofton


Most recently watched by sensoria, sleestakk, jenerator


Following the brutal rape of a young woman by a gang of construction workers, a mysterious figure wearing a motorcycle helmet and driving a gold hearse begins hunting the perpetrators down. The masked avenger’s weapon of choice, obviously, is a nail gun, with which he (or could it be she?) takes out the rapists one by one. Just who is this murderous vigilante?

Rated NR | Length 85 minutes


Rocky Patterson | Ron Queen | Beau Leland | Michelle Meyer | Sebrina Lawless | Monica Lawless | Jerry L. Nelson | Mike Coady | Staci Gordon | Randy Hayes | Thom Meyers | John Price | Charles Ladeate | Joann Hazelbarth | Frances Heard | Terry Lofton | John Rudder | Shelly York | Michael Bendall | Connie Speer | Roger Payne | Kit Mitchell | Taleesa Van-Tassel | Amy Deitrich | Aaron Wince | Aaron Chadwick | Robb Skyler | Pamela Rene | Kim Mathis | Diana Bober | Thomas Freylac | Michael Cullins | Martin Smith | Mark Woodcock | John Holden

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/20/2011Movie ScreenFilmTheater3 stars


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