
TeenAlien (1978)

Directed by Peter Semelka

Science Fiction

Most recently watched by BTSjunkie


Local teenagers are holding a Halloween party at a supposedly “haunted” old mill, but find out that one of the partygoers who is dressed as an alien is actually a real alien.

Rated PG | Length 88 minutes


Vern Adix | Ken Johnson | Dale Angell | Keith Nelson | Michael Dunn | Dan Harville | Mike McClure | Judy Richards

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/11/2012TVVHSN/A3 stars

Viewing Notes

Part of us watching the Bleeding Skull top tens. A group of kids want to make a spook alley for a competition but it turns out there’s aliens involved. Slow, slow burn of a flick that has some interesting turns. Fascinating for its time and has some neat ideas within.


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