
Freak Dance (2010)

Directed by Matt Besser, Neil Mahoney

Comedy | Musical


A spoiled rich girl who wants to be a dancer finds herself caught into between two rival dance groups set to do battle at an underground competition.

Length 90 minutes


Matt Besser | Joshua Allen | Edwin J. Bennett | Kathryn Burns | Amy Poehler | Megan Heyn | Joel Spence | Ian Roberts | Paul Rust | Felix Ryan | Michael Daniel Cassady | Angela Trimbur | Sam Riegel | PeiPei Alena Yuan | Benjamin Siemon | Victoria Gracie | Rachel Montez Collins | Casey Wilson | Lindsay Lefler

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/02/2012TVStreamingVideo on Demand2.5 stars


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