
Screamers: The Hunting (2009)

Directed by Sheldon Wilson

Horror | Science Fiction


A group of humans arrive on Sirius 6-B to investigate an SOS signal sent out from the planet, which has been supposedly deserted since the destruction of the man-made weapons known as “screamers.” Once the squad arrives, they find a group of human survivors eking out an existence in an old military outpost.

Rated R | Length 94 minutes


Gina Holden | Jana Pallaske | Lance Henriksen | Greg Bryk | Christopher Redman | Tim Rozon | Dave Lapommeray | Jody Richardson | Stephen Amell | Lynley Hall | Holly Uloth | Darryl Hopkins | Stephen Dunn

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/13/2012TVDVDBorrowed2.5 stars


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