
Movies by Tag

noahphex has logged 120 movies that were tagged with “horror movie night.”

Movies tagged with “horror movie night”
TitleDirector(s)Year ReleasedViewed On
DreamaniacDavid DeCoteau198605/04/2011
Night of the DemonJim West198004/20/2011
Scared to DeathWilliam Malone198004/13/2011
Video Dead, TheRobert Scott198703/23/2011
Mardi Gras MassacreJack Weis197803/09/2011
CurseKong Yeung198703/02/2011
Blue MonkeyWilliam Fruet198702/09/2011
IcedJeff Kwitny198802/03/2011
Don't Be Afraid of the DarkJohn Newland197301/12/2011
Lift, TheDick Maas198301/05/2011