
Bulldog Drummond's Secret Police (1939)

Directed by James P. Hogan

Mystery | Comedy | Drama


Captain Drummond and his girlfriend want to marry but a hidden treasure in the house in which they want to celebrate their marriage is complicating the situation involving a series of deaths and an elusive murderer.

Rated NR | Length 55 minutes


John Howard | Heather Angel | H.B. Warner | Reginald Denny | E.E. Clive | Elizabeth Patterson | Leo G. Carroll | Forrester Harvey | Clyde Cook | David Clyde | Gerald Rogers | J. Carrol Naish | Neil Fitzgerald | Elspeth Dudgeon | Wyndham Standing | Jimmy Aubrey | David Thursby | Oscar 'Dutch' Hendrian | Dick Rush | Harry Wilson | Louise Campbell | Porter Hall

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/29/2012ComputerDVDOwned5 stars

Viewing Notes

Cute, well-suited for children (mostly: violence)


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