
Antiviral (2012)

Directed by Brandon Cronenberg

Horror | Science Fiction | Thriller

Most recently watched by sensoria, krazykat, noahphex, sleestakk


Syd March is an employee at a clinic that sells injections of live viruses harvested from sick celebrities to obsessed fans. When he becomes infected with the disease that kills super sensation Hannah Geist, Syd becomes a target for collectors and rabid fans. He must unravel the mystery surrounding her death before he suffers the same fate.

Rated NR | Length 110 minutes


Caleb Landry Jones | Sarah Gadon | Malcolm McDowell | Joe Pingue | Sheila McCarthy | Douglas Smith | Wendy Crewson | Nicholas Campbell | James Cade | Dawn Greenhalgh | Lara Jean Chorostecki | Salvatore Antonio | Elitsa Bako | Reid Morgan | Nenna Abuwa | Katie Bergin | Lisa Berry | Ian O'Brien | Mark Caven | Adam Bogen | Tedd Dillon | Josh Holliday | Kim Ly | George Tchortov | Dan Warry-Smith | Vincent Thomas | Donna Goodhand | Raul Tome | Lady Vezina | Milton Barnes | Matt Watts | Jackie English

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/04/2012Movie ScreenDigitalTV3.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Chinese 6 Theatre


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