
Beach Party (1963)

Directed by William Asher

Comedy | Musical | Romance

Most recently watched by AllAboutSteve


Anthropology Professor Robert Orwell Sutwell and his secretary Marianne are studying the sex habits of teenagers. The surfing teens led by Frankie and Dee Dee don’t have much sex but they sing, battle the motorcycle rats and mice led by Eric Von Zipper and dance to Dick Dale and the Del Tones.

Rated NR | Length 101 minutes


Robert Cummings | Dorothy Malone | Frankie Avalon | Annette Funicello | Morey Amsterdam | Harvey Lembeck | Eva Six | John Ashley | Jody McCrea | Dick Dale | Andy Romano | Jerry Brutsche | Bob Harvey | John Macchia | Alberta Nelson | Linda Rogers | David Landfield | Valora Noland | Bob Payne | Pam Colbert | Delores Wells | Johnny Fain | Meredith MacRae | John Beach | Lorrie Summers | Roger Bacon | Luree Holmes | Michael Nader | Laura Nicholson | Mickey Dora | Donna Russell | Ed Garner | Candy Johnson | Vincent Price | Duane Ament | Marlo Baers | Brent Battin | Roger Christian | Ashlyn Martin | Bill Parker | Bill Slosky | Gary Usher | Yvette Vickers | Susan Yardley

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/18/2012TVStreamingVideo on Demand3 stars


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